Taran Tactical 3mm Base Pad For STI/SV Magazines BLEM

445 kr


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The 3mm low-profile extension for the Staccato/Springfield Prodigy/Atlas/Infinity 9/38 2011 style magazine. Leaving in the factory spring and follower it will be a +1 on a 126, 140 and 170mm magazine.

Although it will work on all 2011 magazines, its recommended as a low-profile pad for the 126 magazine to bump it from 17 to 18 rounds. And for the 170mm competition magazine big sticks it bumps it from 26 to 27. If you use our competition thin follower and extra power 13 coil spring it bumps it to 29.

For the Infinity Magazines:

The base pads will fit all the Infinity magazines and every generation.

  • 9mm/38 – Recommendations for competition magazine guidelines: You must use the 3mm extension with your 140mm magazine tubes in order to fit the 140mm gauge. Using our thin competition follower and 11 coil extra power spring you’ll get 23+1 capacity.
  • For Unlimited Division, we recommend the 170mm, the same 3mm extension must be used with our thin competition follower and 13 coil extra power spring to get 29+1 rounds and still fit the USPSA 170mm Gauge.
  • Using a 140mm Magazine with our 7mm extension and our thin competition follower and 11 coil extra power spring will bump the capacity to 24+1. Recommended for the Unlimited Division.
  • If you’re not buying any of this for competition, you can mix and match any of these magazines and pads for different endless combinations.
  • .40SW – Recommendations for competition magazine guidelines: You must use the 3mm extension with your 140mm magazine tubes in order to fit the 140mm gauge. Using our thin competition follower and 11 coil extra power spring you’ll get 21+1 capacity.

For the .40 Magazines:

  • Staccato Magazines: without changing the spring and follower using our 4mm base pad will bump the capacity from 18 to 20 rounds and fit the 140mm USPSA gauge for limited. With our thin competition follower and 11 coil extra power spring it will hold 21 rounds. (but will not lock the slide to the rear on the last round fired
  • Infinity: 140mm .40SW Magazines, the 3mm base pad and our thin competition follower and 11 coil extra power spring it will hold 21 rounds and still fit the 140mm gauge for USPSA/limited division. (but will not lock the slide to the rear on the last round fired
  • Atlas Magazines: Using our 4mm base pad will allow the magazine to hold 18 rounds with the factory spring and follower. With our thin competition follower and 11 coil extra power spring it will bump the capacity from 18 rounds to 20 rounds. (but will not lock the slide to the rear on the last round fired).

Base Pad STI SV Magazine-Black

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